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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Juice a quick post!

Earlier this year when looking at a second hand shop for a replacement baby swing, I came across a juicer still in the box and looking like it hadn't been used, I bought it at a good price.
Finding that Juicing is pretty fun related it to Marcia, and she asked if I had seen a certain documentary about being fat, sick, and nearly dead. This documentary is about getting healthy by introducing healthy foods into the diet.
It is available on the internet's at a couple places, last I looked if you have Netflix you can watch it there, but if you don;t have the 'Flix check out Hulu.com and it is viewable for free.
Well that brings me to the point of this post, we felt that we are willing to juice more often then just a couple times a week for fun and after researching felt that using the juicer that Joe uses in the documentary would be better than a recalled 20 year old juicer.
And so here are a couple of videos(warning I shot almost an hour's worth of video, not all is shown):
The first is Skyler opening the box

This next is our first use of it:


Grandma Lorna said...

Do you recommend a juicer? Do you use it often? Looks good. If Layla loves it enough to drink down in virtually one long drink, it must be good.

Rick said...

We have had the "old" juicer for a couple months and I have tried using it several times a week at least, it is definitely not as sturdy as the new one. I have done a lot of research into juicers and this one seems like it will get the most use. It works fast, efficient and is very easy to clean. And if you check out the Documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, the juicer used on the 60 day juice fast is this one. It is a Breville Juice Fountain Plus. It juices very smoothly, we had used the other juicer often enough that we feel the upgrade is reasonable. Plus a good way to get the fruits and veggies into our diet.