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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

To the Zoo, to the zoo, to the zoo with you.

Well we went to the zoo, the Niabi Zoo and we had fun.
Skyler and Layla were there:
 And so was Aunt Ronda:
 And Spencer went also:
 And we saw Elephants:
 And a weird Boy:
And some dinosaurs:
 Sorry about the nudity:
 Saw the Gibons?:
 Both sides:
 Layla made fun of pigs:
 And then she made up with them:
 Skyler almost touched a goat:
 Layla thought they were sheep:
 Spencer knew better:
 And decided to chill:
 The Monkeys were hangin' out:
" How did they do that?":
 "Oh, I get it!":
 Spencer and Dad looked over there, and Skyler looked over here:
 Mom was there too:
 There was a train:
 Skyler gave the Lorakeets some nectar:
 A Lorakeet gave Dad an ear exam:
 The results were good:
 Skyler gave one a lift:
 Uncle Monkey made out with a rat-like thing:
 The Giraffe posed in the flowers:
 Albert Einstein was there, I think:
 We saw some tracys:
 Layla Liked the reptile house:
 We figured out what type of birds we are, Skyler is a Turkey:
 Layla has grown since last time:
 So has Dad:
 Mom is the best looking bird of all:
 Spencer didn't quite get the hang of it right away:
 So Layla helped:
 There were some lazy mountain goat things:
 And a hippo:
 Layla ran away in fear:
 And came back as a Butterfly:
 Then we left:
 But not too far before we found some strange animals...
 On top of concrete figures:
 So Dad tried it out:
 And so did Spencer's belly:
 And Layla joined also:
I hope you enjoyed seeing our Zoo visit, I know we did.


RondaJo said...

That was not a hippo!!
What a fun recap of a fun day! I'm glad you guys could join us. I even saw the Gs' daddy in one of the pictures. :)

Rick said...

It was fun, I didn't remember seeing Daddy G with the hippos, I will have to go back and look at the other pictures to put one up if I can find it.