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Sunday, January 27, 2013


Well, if you have kids, or are a kid(what are you doing here?), then you know that there are these frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwich things with the crusts cut off, and you know they can get kind of expensive. I have learned how to make them at home. So in this weeks edition of make something at home rather than buy it at the store here we go:
So the first step is to get your bread all lined out, I prefer a cutting board, and then line up your mini pastry press:
Then press out a circle from the slice of bread, I used white bread due to the 3 year old not wanting the brown "Pie", but a white "Pie":
See a circle, some of the crust is remaining and can be trimmed up more if wanted or take care of it later:
Now you can see the bread waiting:
Waiting for peanut butter*, you want to add to both halves in order to sandwich:
Sandwich the jelly in between and seal it away from the bread, ish:
Now place the two halfs together and put on the press:
And press it down making sure to seal the edges, at this point I like to trim around the excess:
You can kinda see the trimmings and the nicely sealed pie:
They fit nicely inside a sandwich baggie two to a bag, and freeze well, Layla claimed that they are "too hot" if not frozen, but then again she said that the frozen one was "too cold" before she even tried it:
Oh, and make sure to use the side with out the star to cut out the circles or you might have a mess on your hands:
I call them pies, well for one thing that is what Layla calls them and she eats more of them then the rest of us, and they are made with a pie press thingy.
And if you are interested in any Tupperware items just contact my sister Here I am sure she would love to hear from you.
*this could be made peanut free with a substitute like biscoff spread or liver or something.


RondaJo said...

I keep thinking about doing this same thing. You may have motivated me. :)

PS - Thanks for the shout out. :D

RondaJo said...

I keep thinking about doing this same thing. You may have motivated me. :)

PS - Thanks for the shout out. :D

Jacob Thurman said...

This is brilliant!